Williams College

Evening Exam

Courses may hold evening examinations (except on Monday evenings) with the approval of the CSC. One class must be cancelled for each evening exam. In cases where conflicts occur between requested times for evening exams in different courses, or where the student enrollment for simultaneously scheduled exams overlaps significantly, the Chair of CSC will ask the relevant course instructors to try to work it out between themselves.

  • Before scheduling an evening exam time, please check the schedule of already-approved evening exams and if possible, avoid conflicts. If an already listed exam has the same date(s) as your exam(s), it is your responsibility to confirm that there is not significant overlap in student enrollment. If so, you should consider alternate exam dates.
  • Exam times must be offered one ending by 7:45 pm to accommodate 8:00 pm rehearsals and a later one starting no earlier than 7:15 pm to accommodate athletics.
  • Alternative arrangements must be made for students with legitimate conflicts.
  • Exam rooms can be reserved through the online room scheduling system.
  • Please include evening exam dates in the course syllabus, and announce all required evening exam dates in class before the end of drop/add period, so that students are aware of this requirement.
Instructor Name*
e.g., ENGL 100
Multi-Section Course?*
01, 02, 03, etc.
If an already listed exam has the same date(s) as your exam(s), please confirm that there is not significant overlap in student enrollment. If so, you should consider alternate exam dates.*
Beginning and end time.
Beginning and end time, can also be a self-scheduled exam.
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